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Automation and Digitalization of Lyophilization

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Freeze-drying of pharmaceutical drug and biological products in the manufacturing environment can be conducted by a variety of methods depending on the company performing the process. In general, both open and closed loop control systems can be available and process automation ranges from fully automated to completely manual. In addition, there are many differences in the use of the cloud for data storage and analyses and different approaches for evaluating / preventing equipment failure, scaling up freeze drying processes from the laboratory to full-scale production, and tools for process monitoring. These differences make it quite difficult to propose a generalized approach for all companies to follow. However, a roadmap is ideal for proposing methods and reasons to evaluate automation and digitization of lyophilization.


Most laboratory and full-scale lyophilizers are equipped with open loop controls where in-process data are collected, but the data are not necessarily used to make decisions on the progression of the cycle. Some lyophilizers are equipped with closed loop controls, such as the ability to advance primary drying to secondary drying when the difference between the Pirani gauge and the capacitance manometer is not more than a specific value such as 10 mTorr (i.e., comparative pressure measurement). A Pirani gauge is an electrical resistance measurement for pressure in the chamber and the capacitance manometer is the true set point pressure that is not affected by the gas type. (Nail, et al., 2017) Data are collected in the laboratory and at full-scale to demonstrate the acceptability of the difference between the measurements before use as a closed loop. The closed loop removes ambiguity in making decisions for the batch and utilizes in-process data for the decisions (Figure 1).


Although, closed loop controls are available, they are not often used. A good understanding of closed loop controls, trust in their use, and reliance on storage and dependability of the stored data are needed.
While approaches such as comparative pressure measurement can indicate the end of primary, these methods do not indicate if the critical product temperature (i.e., collapse temperature) was exceeded during processing. In-process data, especially product temperature is needed throughout primary drying to avoid failure of the product. After the formulation and container closure are determined, the product temperature is controlled by manipulating shelf temperature and chamber pressure to ensure product temperature is maintained below a critical temperature. The processing conditions can be optimized at laboratory-scale and are transferred to full-scale, but in-process data are needed to monitor each cycle. Some companies utilize electronic chart recorders (Yokogawa, 2024) to collect in-process data, and some companies collect data via a cloud source for easy comparison of data between batches. There are some companies that have developed methods of collecting product temperature data using wireless sensors that can relay data in real time and would be idea for storing on a cloud base system for future batch to batch comparisons. (Tempris GmbH, 2024) (Ellab A/S, 2024) 


An option that will show immediate benefits with regard to decreasing travel costs, decreasing costs to companies, decreasing carbon emissions, and increasing knowledge in the manufacturing areas is wider implementation of VR/AR.


Engineers and operators equipped with VR/AR (as demonstrated in Figure 2) directly interact with supplier companies to solve equipment problems without having the supplier company representative onsite.


Another option is the development of digital twins starting with research and development equipment that is well characterized and transferring the knowledge to pilot and full-scale equipment. Some examples of digital twin applications include:


  1. Implementation of strain gauges on flexible metal tubing that supplies heat transfer fluid to the shelves within a product chamber (Figure 3). The tubing moves every time the shelves are compressed to seal the vials. Over time the tubing becomes weak and develops holes which spray the fluid over the product in the chamber. This can lead to losses of product. Implementing digital twins could alert companies to when these weaknesses were becoming likely.

  2. To increase sterility assurance, many manufacturers use isolator technologies with automated loading and unloading systems (ALUS). These systems reduce human intervention and may not allow for the use of temperature probes to monitored the freeze drying process. As a result, conservative parametric cycles are often used with a limited ability to monitor the product temperature during lyophilization. The primary parameters that effect product temperature are shelf temperature, chamber pressure, product resistance and vial heat transfer, which can be modeled. As a result, a digital twin can be created that can follow the process in real-time. The digital twin can provide data to support process deviations and create a design space for the process parameters to support cycle development.


The application of digital twins for both equipment preventative maintenance and process design has the potential to increase product quality.


Over time additional process variables can be added such as vial heat transfer coefficient (Kv), flow of heat transfer fluid through the shelves, and pressure differentials within the lyophilizer.


Automation and digital tools should be explored to support these basic areas for product development: (1) Tools for developing drug product (DP) composition (2) Tools for process development and tech transfer (3) Tools for process monitoring and quality assurance for the commercial product. There is a proposed regulatory guidance on continuous process verification to demonstrate process control and reliability where digital tools would be helpful.


Finally, transferring all the data to cloud based services will require enhanced cyber security. All pharmaceutical companies are at different stages of cyber security and most are increasing their efforts to improve. This will be vital to ensure all data is secure and completely protected for each product and each batch at each manufacturing site.



  1. Ellab A/S. (2024, February 27). Ellab Wireless Data Loggers. Retrieved from Ellab:

  2. Nail, S., Tchessalov, S., Shalaev, E., Ganguly, A., Renzi, E., Dimarco, F., . . . Coiteux, P. (2017). Recommended Best Practices for Process Monitoring Instrumentation in Pharmaceutical Freeze Drying - 2017. AAPS PharmSciTech, 2379 - 2393. doi:10.1208/s12249-017-0733-1

  3. Tempris GmbH. (2024, February 27). Tempris Easify Your Lyo Process. Retrieved from

  4. Yokogawa. (2024, February 27). Yokogawa North & Centra America. Retrieved from Yokogawa North & Centra America:

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